Why I Started this Blog

There was a very poignant moment in my life. I remember it so vividly. I was walking down the street after work, listening to a podcast. But a particular episode stopped me in my tracks. Literally. Right there, in the middle of the street, I just stopped.

I know that sounds dramatic – how can a podcast make you stop walking? But it did. It hit me so hard that I stood there and literally said ‘whats the point..nothing matters’.

The podcast was on Dr Chatterjee’s podcast ‘Feel Better Live More and its called ‘Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: Life Lessons Everybody Learns Too Late with Bronnie Ware’. If there is one Podcast you listen to today, this week, this month or even this year I urge you to listen to this one. It is very moving, emotional and a complete eye opener and one that changed the way I view my life having listened to it. The guest on the podcast, Bronnie Ware has written the book ‘The top 5 Regrets of the Dying’ (which is next on my reading list) which are about the lessons she learned from the people she cared for as an end-of-life carer. You have to listen to the podcast to really get a sense of those lessons she learnt and the emotions that come with them.

Now when I said ‘nothing matters’ of course I don’t mean it in a nihilistic way as plenty of things matter in life. But more to my point and what I realised in that moment is: what do I have to lose by trying? what does it matter if it doesn’t work out? what does it matter if it doesn’t go exactly how I imagined it would? – It does not matter if it doesn’t work out or things don’t go as planned and thats the beauty of it. I don’t want to be lying on my deathbed thinking back on the time when I wanted to start my own blog but I didn’t, becuase I didn’t want to be judged by others, or I didn’t want it to fail. I know that if I try and have a good time doing it then I will have achieved far more than not doing so at all, and I can look back on that later in life and take pride that I tried and I don’t regret it even though it didn’t end up as I thought it might and thats okay. I have stayed true to myself and thats what matters.

The Turning Point

Before listening to that podcast, I was debating what to do with my life. I had read several articles about doing something your passionate about and starting your own blog, but I brushed it aside, I had no clue about blogging, how websites worked or any of that stuff. It was almost overwhelming just thinking about it. But I liked the idea of being able to write about my passions and talk about subjects I enjoy.

That podcast was my defining “f**k it” moment. Realistically what did I have to lose? Maybe no one would read or visit my blog. Maybe it would go absolutely nowhere. But that didn’t matter. I knew that if I didn’t try, I’d regret it. In the description of the podcast the very first line says ‘What do you think you might be saying on your deathbed?’ I know for certain I would think: ‘Remember when you were in your mid-20s and you wanted to started a blog but never did?’ – I don’t want that to be one of my regrets.

So here I am. Not really a clue what I’m doing. Completely winging it (if you’ll pardon the pun). But thats okay. This will be a huge learning curve, and i’m choosing to see that as a positive thing. If all else fails I will have travelled to some incredible places around the world and met some amazing people. At the time of writing this, I’m 39,000 feet in the air, with a window seat and a row all to myself and I am absolutely loving it.

Why Travel?

Another reason for starting this blog is having worked in hospitality. I’ve spent years serving food and drinks – many of which are overpriced. Whats this got to do with travel? When I look at the total of the bills or the tab i think: Why? Are you sure? Even the smaller costs that are £20-30 for a round of drinks makes me think of where I can travel for that price? I once flew to Malta for £10 return. That’s the cost of a cocktail (or less than in some cases) and I can’t help but think: Thats a trip away for a night or two.

Now I’m not judging anyone or telling you how you should spend your money. Time out with family and friends is important. But if spending similar amounts often or even every weekend, why not consider spending it on a night away for a spontaneous trip instead?

Thats the heart of this blog – to show that travel is more affordable and more accessible that it might seem. I do some ridiculous things when travelling just to save a few pounds, but thats part of the fun!

Whats the aim?

This blog is about sharing my adventures, the lessons I learn along the way and hopefully inspiring others along the way. Even if one person reads my blog and is inspired to book a flight or a spontaneous weekend away, then its worth it.

So here’s to the journey – wherever it takes me.

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